Gobbins and Isle of Muck 27 July 2022

At anchor inside Muck A good forecast provided us with an opportunity to take Patrick (over from London), and Judy and Ashley (up from Crossgar) on a day out to visit the Gobbins and the Isle of Muck (Co Antrim). A late morning start meant that we hadn’t been at sea too long before we heard the ducks (Gordon’s phone alarm at 12.30 - a twice a day event!) which got us into wildlife watching mode. We looked for Minke Whales all day but saw none. We looked for Puffins at the Gobbins but saw none. Whale(less) Watching Puffin(less) watching We did see several Harbour Porpoises, plenty of Kittiwakes and loads of Manx Shearwaters. The large gulls on Muck seem to have done okay this season - there were quite a few fledged young. The main seabird breeding cliffs at the Gobbins. The end of the Gobbins Cliff Path can be seen at the bottom of the cliffs at far left. However, we also saw several dead guillemots, we assume victims of avian influenza, although not...