Ardfern to Gigha 21 July 2022


Cruising down the Sound of Jura having just inaugurated our new mugs from the Ardfern chandlery.

Filled with fuel at Ardfern before leaving (the first time since Dun Laoghaire).  Fuel is currently £0.43 per litre cheaper in Ardfern than at Bangor and £0.18 cheaper than at Craobh, so well worth us filling up. It has also provided us with another chance to check our fuel consumption - it works out at 21.47ltrs per hour, the same our previous calculation.  Happy days.

Arrived in Gigha at about 14.00 and picked up one of their bigger moorings.  Plenty of moorings when we arrived but full by the evening.

Gigha mooring with our mooring bridle showing Gordon’s splicing and Shane’s splicing - but whose is whose, or which is which?    Dunno.

Went ashore and had a locally made ice cream - Wee Isle ice cream - while we sat outside the shop.  The ice cream maker appeared in his van and asked us to mark his different flavours out of 10.  We did, no 10s.  He then invited us to visit his factory if we walked that far.  We did. We spent an hour watching a batch of chocolate ice cream being made by an enthusiast - Don the ice cream maker.  He also makes ice cream sauces, and gave us four samples: sticky toffee, butterscotch, Madagascan and salted caramel.

Don the ice cream maker making a batch of chocolate ice cream 

The roadside verges along the way were a mass of wildflowers - wonderful to see.

Bloomin’ Gigha

Dinner on board - Mary’s spiced chicken.  Yummy.

Today’s route:


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